Advanced Body Composition Analysis


Find Out What You’re Made Of

There’s more to your body than losing or gaining weight. Get the full picture of what you’re made of with the InBody 570 body composition analyzer. All of our nutrition clients will have a body composition scale to help establish a baseline. Our body composition analyzer will give you a full report that outlines key elements that will give you or your dietitian the information you need to create a tailored nutrition plan.

  • Get an accurate measure of your blood fluid, body fat mass, muscle mass, and visceral fat.

  • Non-invasive test in only 45 seconds

  • Reach your goals quickly and efficiently by understanding your results

How to prepare for Inbody Test

For the most accurate results, we recommend following these preparation guidelines.

  • Do not eat for 3-4 hours before testing
  • Do not exercise for 6-12 hours before testing
  • Do not drink alocohol 24 hours before the test 
  • Do not drink excessive caffeine on the day of your test and be well-hydrated
  • Do not shower or sauna immediately prior to the test
  • Avoid putting lotion on hands and feet before testing
  • Individuals with pacemakers or other electronic devices should not use the InBody
  • For women, avoid testing if you are pregnant or menstruating


  • All nutrition counseling sessions include a complimentary Inbody Scan
  • $49 per session (15 minutes) for non-member customers. 

Better Health Nutrition